The Environment Under TPPA Governance

Close scrutiny of the final Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPPA) text reveals that its impact on the environment is even worse than had been expected from leaked drafts.  A new 
22 January 2016|Topics: , ,

The Environment a Significant Casualty Under TPPA

Close scrutiny of the final TPPA text reveals that its impact on the environment is even worse than had been expected from leaked drafts. A new paper, prepared by …
21 January 2016|Topics: ,

Do Costs from the TPP Outweigh Gains?

Opinion Article, Dominion Post By Simon Terry, Executive Director, Sustainability Council The Trans-Pacific Partnership covers a lot of non-trade matters, so why is there a reluctance to discuss the overall balance …
14 February 2014|Topics:

Open Letter to the Employers and Manufacturers Association

Kim Campbell Chief Executive Employers and Manufacturers Association   Dear Kim This open letter is in response to your media statement of 5 February criticising the Sustainability Council’s analysis of a Peterson …
5 February 2014|Topics:

Environment is one of the TPP’s Biggest Casualties

Wikileaks’ latest disclosure of Trans Pacific Partnership documents underscores how weak the environmental measures are, and that the environment is a major casualty under the agreement. The leaked environment chapter …
16 January 2014|Topics:

Right to Sue Under Trade Deal is Pernicious and Unnecessary

Some things should not be traded.  When it comes to deals about trade, governments should not give foreign investors the right to sue them in offshore tribunals. Yet the US …
11 December 2013|Topics:

GM Trojan Horses

The US plans to get other countries to bring their GM food laws into line with its own and New Zealand needs to make clear its protections are non-negotiable. …
26 August 2013|Topics: , ,

The TPP: No Partnership with the Environment

The environment will be a major loser under terms put forward for the latest free trade deal The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposed arrangement between New Zealand, the US …
2 June 2013|Topics:

TPP Negotiators on Notice to Protect the Environment—Poll

An opinion poll shows a clear majority of New Zealanders reject the concept of foreign investors having any ability to sue the government offshore if is sets stronger environmental …
6 December 2012|Topics: