When Venturing Into Foreign Parts
Thursday, October 4, 2007
New Zealand is clearly not ready to manage the risks associated with the use of animal cells in humans.
An application for such a trial is currently before the Minister …
Time out on GM Lysine Corn Decision a Good Step
Thursday, August 2, 2007
The Sustainability Council welcomes Food Safety Minister Annette King’s announcement today that she is seeking further advice on the appropriateness of approving GM high lysine corn as a food.
This …
Food Safety Regulator Fails GM Lysine Corn Test
Thursday, July 19, 2007
A novel form of genetically modified corn that poses serious health risks, but has been inadequately safety tested, looks set to be approved for human consumption on Monday – …
Agriculture Can Meet its Share of Kyoto Target at a Profit
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The agriculture sector can meet its share of the nation’s Kyoto emissions reduction target at a profit. As livestock farming accounts for 49% of New Zealand’s emissions, such cuts would …
A Convenient Untruth
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The agriculture sector can meet its share of the nation’s Kyoto emissions reduction target at a profit.
As livestock farming accounts for 49% of New Zealand’s emissions, such cuts would …
ERMA Confirms Scant Benefits from GM Brassica Trial
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
ERMA’s summary of its decision to approve the field trialling of GM brassica crops makes clear just how few benefits are expected to result from the exercise.
ERMA confirms in …
Change of approach required to achieve a sustainable New Zealand
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Management of New Zealand’s environment continues to lack quantifiable targets needed to set the “outcome-oriented” policy the OECD recommends in its review released today. Voluntary measures are still being …
Heat Treatment
Saturday, March 24, 2007
New Zealand’s climate change policy was built upon major mis-estimates and stray projections of the nation’s position under the Kyoto Protocol – worth well over a billion dollars.
Their initial …
New Attack on GM Food Safety Testing Standards
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Australian and New Zealand regulators are failing to resist an audacious bid by GM plant developers to have them abandon a fundamental principle of food safety testing.
The internationally accepted …