Foreign Affair’s Stance on GM Liability Provokes Laughter at Talks
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
New Zealand negotiators at a conference on liability for GMOs have effectively proposed that the four year programme to develop an international liability regime should aim at agreeing no …
Contaminated Land—Pass the Parcel
Wednesday, May 4, 2005
A massive transfer of liability to innocent parties is set to take place unless Government puts new measures in place to fund cleanup of contaminated sites.
MFE estimates that the …
Innocent Property Owners Set to Pay for Contamination Cleanups
Wednesday, May 4, 2005
The Ministry for the Environment (MFE) is paving the way for property owners to be forced to pay for the cleanup of contamination that they did not know about …
HSNO (Approvals and Enforcement) Amendment Bill
Sunday, May 1, 2005
Submission to the Education and Science Select Committee with respect to HSNO (Approvals and Enforcement) Amendment Bill.
Read the document here.
Financial Accountability for Hazardous Substances
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Sixteen years after Government first determined to bring together coherent regulations for hazardous substances, effective financial accountability for harm caused by these substances remains limited. While Government has committed to the …
Risk of Massive Transfer of Liability for Contaminated Land Clean-up
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
A massive transfer of liability to innocent parties is set to take place unless Government puts new measures in place to fund cleanup of contaminated sites.
MFE estimates that the …
Portrait of a Future New Zealand
Thursday, November 4, 2004
The Sustainability Council is hosting an art auction on 11 November at the Tamaki Yacht Club, Mission Bay.
Download the calaogue here: Auction Catalogue: Portrait Future NZ
Leaving GM Contaminated Crops in the Ground Goes Against Market Realities
Sunday, October 10, 2004
The recommendation by a Parliamentary select committee that GM contaminated crops be allowed to remain in the ground goes against market realities. Exporters cannot sell contaminated products to buyers …
New Rules Help Keep Food Pure
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
As many premium markets firm up on their unwillingness to accept even a trace of genetically modified content in food, New Zealand’s ability to meet this demand has quietly …