
Environment is one of the TPP’s Biggest Casualties

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Wikileaks’ latest disclosure of Trans Pacific Partnership documents underscores how weak the environmental measures are, and that the environment is a major casualty under the agreement. The leaked environment chapter …
16 January 2014|Media Releases, News, TPP

Right to Sue Under Trade Deal is Pernicious and Unnecessary

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Some things should not be traded.  When it comes to deals about trade, governments should not give foreign investors the right to sue them in offshore tribunals. Yet the US …
11 December 2013|Articles, Publications, TPP

New GM Foods Designed to Escape Regulation

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A new generation of genetically modified (GM) foods is in the pipeline and if developers get their way, they won’t be labelled. In fact, they won’t be regulated at …

33% Gap Between Emissions Target and Performance

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

There is a 33% gap between the government’s new climate change target and New Zealand’s expected performance, all up.  The overshoot is greater than previously expected as projected emissions …

TPP: Support the Call for Govt to Release the Text

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A petition calling on the Government to release the negotiating text of the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement has been launched with support from prominent New Zealanders. You can sign on …
15 October 2013|News, TPP

Dow Excluded from Precedent Setting Case on GM Law

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The High Court has ruled that US multinational Dow cannot intervene in a precedent setting court case concerning whether a new plant breeding technique is covered under New Zealand’s …

GM Trojan Horses

Monday, August 26, 2013

The US plans to get other countries to bring their GM food laws into line with its own and New Zealand needs to make clear its protections are non-negotiable. …

Carbon Budgeting: Integrated Planning for Climate Action

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The more it is recognised that pricing instruments such as the ETS are simply tools, and the real action lies in how carbon budgets are set, the greater will …

Genetic Engineers Get Approval to Bypass Regulator

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Sustainability Council has begun High Court action to appeal a ruling that allows genetically engineered plants to be grown in New Zealand without any regulatory approval. A surprise decision …