
GM wheat: time does not make the market grow fonder

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ten years ago, the Sustainability Council reported on market resistance to Monsanto’s GM herbicide resistant wheat.  At that time, North America had embraced GM commodity crops (soy, maize …

The TPP: No Partnership with the Environment

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The environment will be a major loser under terms put forward for the latest free trade deal The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposed arrangement between New Zealand, the US …

Risk Bearers Best Placed to Make Decisions

Sunday, April 14, 2013

If a local community does not itself want to amend a council plan to allow a particular RMA activity to proceed then that is a good sign that it …

Board Member Resigns to Focus on New Role

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dame Susan Devoy has resigned as a member of the Sustainability Council’s board as a consequence of her appointment as the new Race Relations Commissioner.  In her letter of …
21 March 2013|Media Releases, News

Nanocosmetics: Ombudsman Supports Public Right to Know

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Ombudsman has upheld the public’s right to know about the use of nanoparticles in cosmetic products. The decision is significant because the Ombudsman roundly dismisses arguments frequently used by …

EPA publishes list of nanocosmetic products

Thursday, December 13, 2012

As of this month, cosmetic products notified as containing nano ingredients will be listed on the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) website. Cosmetic and personal care products that contain nano-sized ingredients …
13 December 2012|Blog, Nanotechnology, News

TPP Negotiators on Notice to Protect the Environment—Poll

Thursday, December 6, 2012

An opinion poll shows a clear majority of New Zealanders reject the concept of foreign investors having any ability to sue the government offshore if is sets stronger environmental …
6 December 2012|Media Releases, News

ETS Losses Confirmed – Groser Has Explaining To Do

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New documents confirm the ETS has been a net loser for the taxpayer and that the government faces a big deficit in its carbon accounts, contrary to the Climate …

NZ’s Carbon Accounts in Deficit by $1.3 Billion

Thursday, September 13, 2012

New Zealand has a carbon budget deficit equivalent to $1.3 billion because the ETS is failing to bring in enough revenue to pay the nation’s carbon bills. Five years on …