Climate change

New Zealand’s Climate Response Officially Inadequate – UN

A UN review team has officially confirmed that New Zealand’s response to climate change is inadequate. It could find no plan for two thirds or more of what is …
19 April 2011|Topics: , ,

Integrity Gap: Copenhagen Pledges and Loopholes

Rather than the deep cuts on 1990 level emissions that are required, current pledges by developed countries would allow them to maintain business as usual emission levels, once “loopholes” …
2 August 2010|Topics: ,

Taxpayers Face $1.1 Billion Kyoto Liability After ETS Charges Paid

New Zealand’s failure to reduce emissions to its Kyoto Protocol target means the taxpayer still faces a $1.1 billion net liability after all the ETS charges have been paid. …

Copenhagen Paves Way for Emissions Above 1990 Levels

The Copenhagen Accord paves the way for developed ountries to emit at a rate above 1990 levels when the science calls for deep cuts below this. It could turn out …
21 December 2009|Topics:

Loopholes Negate Copenhagen Pledges for Emission Reductions

Rather than a cut on 1990 level emissions, current pledges by developed countries are likely to result in a net increase on this baseline once “loopholes” are taken into …
21 December 2009|Topics: ,

Overrated: New Zealand’s Emissions Reduction Target for 2020

UPDATE: A few days after publication of the Council’s briefing, one of the independent analytical teams (EcoFys, Climate Analytics and the European Climate Foundation) re-rated New Zealand’s …
15 December 2009|Topics: , ,

ETS Changes Put 84% of Kyoto Bill to Future Taxpayers

Proposed changes to the emissions trading scheme (ETS) would result in 84% or more of the nation’s multi-billion dollar Kyoto liability being put on to future taxpayers. Today’s polluters …
12 November 2009|Topics: , ,

State Coal to Mine New State Subsidies

The state owned coal miner, Solid Energy, would be entitled to a subsidy on the cost of emissions from its proposed lignite to urea plant worth tens of millions …
28 September 2009|Topics:

Making Our Children Pay for Polluter Subsidies

Putting most of the Kyoto bill on the credit card is the Government’s plan. Its announcement proposing changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) did not begin to spell this …
23 September 2009|Topics: ,