Genetic modification

EU Moratorium on GMOs – More than a Trade Barrier

Since 1998, there has been a de facto moratorium on the approval of GMOs for commercial release in the EU. The moratorium has applied to European GM developers as …
15 March 2003|Topics: ,

Lessons from the USA—Market Rejection of GM Foods

The experiences of current GM exporting nations provide important indicators on the prospects for New Zealand agricultural exports should it adopt GMOs in agriculture. Market access is a particularly …
24 February 2003|Topics: ,

GM Liability – Innocent Victims to Fend for Themselves

“The Government has left innocent victims to fend for themselves if a GM release causes harm” said Sustainability Council Executive Director, Simon Terry. “It has gone against international commitments given …
11 February 2003|Topics: ,

Government Rushing GM Decisions Before Economic Advice In

“Government has rushed to clear the way for release of GMOs into the environment before it has even assessed the economic impact on New Zealand” said Sustainability Council Chair, …
10 February 2003|Topics: , ,

Cabinet Faces Key Tests on Approach to GM Release

Cabinet today faces key tests on its approach to the release of GMOs. It is considering changes to the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act that governs how ERMA makes …
3 February 2003|Topics: , ,

The Year of the Dog

By Sam Neill Happy New Year. And a peaceful one too, God willing. However, at this, the time of year normally reserved for optimism, if you can detect the telltale tick …
1 January 2003|Topics: , ,

GM Wheat Roundly Rejected in Key Markets

“As New Zealand moves a step closer to allowing GM crops to be grown, plans to launch the next major GM variety have gone on hold in the US” …
16 November 2002|Topics: ,

GM Contamination No Reason to Lift Zero Tolerance Policy

The Government is expected to confirm today that a crop of East Coast maize was GM-contaminated. If so, what does this mean? It means that the stricter seed import requirements …

Taxpayers Should not pay for GM Seed Contamination

“Liability for GM contamination must remain with those who import or use GM seed and not be passed to the taxpayer” said Sustainability Council executive director, Simon Terry. He was …