Genetic modification

Hide and Seek

Developers Skirt Around Detectability of Cisgenic GMOs. Lack of transparency by the GM food industry has been a driver of market resistance to its products. Research in New Zealand and …

New Zealand GM Pasture Grass R+D

Three Programmes and a New Technology Tens of millions of public science dollars have been directed to the development of GM pasture species in New Zealand over the last two …
21 June 2011|Topics: , ,

Betting the farm

If New Zealand chose not to approve the use of GM grasses developed by Pastoral Genomics, no economic penalty is expected as a non-GM technique could provide the same …

No Economic Penalty if GM Grass Bypassed

If New Zealand chose not to approve the use of GM grasses developed by Pastoral Genomics, no economic penalty is expected as a non-GM technique could provide the same …

ESR Questions Safety of a GM Food – NZFSA Shops for “Updated” Advice

New Zealand’s food safety regulator ‘shopped’ for alternative advice when a report it had commissioned from ESR questioned the safety of a GM food. The original report by Dr Lou …
10 October 2008|Topics: , , ,

Credibility of Food Safety Regulation takes a Significant Hit

The credibility of New Zealand’s food safety regulation has taken a significant hit today with the approval of GM lysine corn as a human food. There were not just one …
20 December 2007|Topics: , , , ,

NZ Has Strong Grounds for Rejecting GM Lysine Corn Decision

New Zealand has strong grounds for rejecting the application to make GM lysine corn a legal food. Significant health risks remain untested and the credibility of New Zealand’s food …
9 October 2007|Topics: , , , ,

The Regulatory Response to GM Lysine Corn

New Zealand has strong grounds for rejecting the application to make GM lysine corn a legal food. Significant health risks remain untested and the credibility of New Zealand’s food …
9 October 2007|Topics: , , ,

Time out on GM Lysine Corn Decision a Good Step

The Sustainability Council welcomes Food Safety Minister Annette King’s announcement today that she is seeking further advice on the appropriateness of approving GM high lysine corn as a food. This …
2 August 2007|Topics: , , ,