Genetic modification

Food Safety Regulator Fails GM Lysine Corn Test

A novel form of genetically modified corn that poses serious health risks, but has been inadequately safety tested, looks set to be approved for human consumption on Monday – …
19 July 2007|Topics: , , ,

ERMA Confirms Scant Benefits from GM Brassica Trial

ERMA’s summary of its decision to approve the field trialling of GM brassica crops makes clear just how few benefits are expected to result from the exercise. ERMA confirms in …
29 May 2007|Topics: , ,

MAF Not Adequately Risk Managing GM Contamination at the Border

The latest seed contamination incident makes clear that MAF is not adequately risk managing border protection against GM contaminants. There are low and no cost biosecurity options MAF could have …

New German GMO Liability Law Carries Lessons for NZ

Germany’s approach to setting new GMO liability law provides an important example for New Zealand, states a paper released today by the Sustainability Council. The German Government has sought to …
3 July 2006|Topics: , ,

Germany’s Liability Law for GMO Cultivation

Germany’s approach to setting new GMO liability law provides an important example for New Zealand, states a paper released today by the Sustainability Council. The German Government has sought to …
3 July 2006|Topics: , ,

Self-regulation Inadequate for Designer Organism Technology

Developers engaged in “synthetic biology” are discussing proposals for simply self-regulating this new applied science with far reaching implications. Synthetic biology involves the construction of entirely new living systems from …
23 May 2006|Topics: , ,

NZ Out in Front on GM Sterile Seeds

An international understanding restraining the use of techniques to make plants sterile is being challenged by a small group of countries that includes New Zealand. Decisions are scheduled to …
22 March 2006|Topics: , , ,

NZ Seeks Break With UN Understanding on Sterile Seeds

Cabinet papers released under the Official Information Act show New Zealand seeks the option to authorise field trials for GM plants that produce sterile seeds. At present, an international …
22 March 2006|Topics: , ,

Brave New Biosecurity

Threats posed by new forms of GMOs under development represent a fundamental challenge to New Zealand’s approach to biosecurity labelling requirements. A relatively new treaty that regulates the international …