NZ’s Export Markets Sensitive to Trace GM Contamination
If even a pizza maker in Japan is “routinely testing” for GM content, this is the clearest demonstration of how sensitive New Zealand’s premium export markets are to GM …
NZ Turns Against Biggest Trading Partner
“Why is New Zealand joining a fight that pits us against our biggest trading partner over products we do not even grow” asked Sustainability Council Chair, Sir Peter Elworthy.
Commenting …
Non-GM Agriculture Not Adequately Protected by New Bill
The “conditional release” of GMOs puts reliance on protective controls that Government acknowledges could fail, said Sustainability Council Chair, Sir Peter Elworthy.
“Costs could be incurred … even with the …
A case against genetically modified food
The scale of damage to the economy that could result from a decision to release GMOs was made clear by a BERL study Government released the day before Easter.
The …
Inadequate GM Legislation Introduced Tomorrow
Government will tomorrow introduce legislation to open the way for GM release.
“Less than a fortnight after it issued a report showing how any release of an agricultural GMO could …
Economics Report Fails to Justify GM Release
A study undertaken for Government has failed to show any sure economic gains from releasing GMOs. It shows no concrete benefits that would justify New Zealand giving up now …
GM Wheat Fails Market Test
GM Wheat is ready for commercial release in North America. However, wheat exporters in Canada and the US have been clearly informed by their customers that GM wheat is …
Key Coexistence Questions Remain Unanswered
“Government has yet to answer the question whether New Zealand farms will be contaminated if agricultural GMOs are released on a commercial scale”, said the Chairman of the Sustainability …
European Consumers Not Tempted To GM Food
European consumers would reject GM food even if there were benefits to it over and above ordinary food. This is a key conclusion from the latest official survey for …