Media Releases

33% Gap Between Emissions Target and Performance

There is a 33% gap between the government’s new climate change target and New Zealand’s expected performance, all up.  The overshoot is greater than previously expected as projected emissions …
22 October 2013|Topics: ,

Dow Excluded from Precedent Setting Case on GM Law

The High Court has ruled that US multinational Dow cannot intervene in a precedent setting court case concerning whether a new plant breeding technique is covered under New Zealand’s …
10 October 2013|Topics: , , ,

Genetic Engineers Get Approval to Bypass Regulator

The Sustainability Council has begun High Court action to appeal a ruling that allows genetically engineered plants to be grown in New Zealand without any regulatory approval. A surprise decision …
20 June 2013|Topics: , , ,

Board Member Resigns to Focus on New Role

Dame Susan Devoy has resigned as a member of the Sustainability Council’s board as a consequence of her appointment as the new Race Relations Commissioner.  In her letter of …
21 March 2013|Topics:

Nanocosmetics: Ombudsman Supports Public Right to Know

The Ombudsman has upheld the public’s right to know about the use of nanoparticles in cosmetic products. The decision is significant because the Ombudsman roundly dismisses arguments frequently used by …
26 February 2013|Topics: , , ,

TPP Negotiators on Notice to Protect the Environment—Poll

An opinion poll shows a clear majority of New Zealanders reject the concept of foreign investors having any ability to sue the government offshore if is sets stronger environmental …
6 December 2012|Topics:

ETS Losses Confirmed – Groser Has Explaining To Do

New documents confirm the ETS has been a net loser for the taxpayer and that the government faces a big deficit in its carbon accounts, contrary to the Climate …
7 November 2012|Topics: , ,

NZ’s Carbon Accounts in Deficit by $1.3 Billion

New Zealand has a carbon budget deficit equivalent to $1.3 billion because the ETS is failing to bring in enough revenue to pay the nation’s carbon bills. Five years on …
13 September 2012|Topics: , ,

ETS Changes to Eternal Transition Scheme

The total cost to taxpayers of changes to the ETS is at least $1.3 billion, based on the $25 per tonne carbon price the government currently uses to assess …
12 July 2012|Topics: ,