Media Releases

MAF Not Adequately Risk Managing GM Contamination at the Border

The latest seed contamination incident makes clear that MAF is not adequately risk managing border protection against GM contaminants. There are low and no cost biosecurity options MAF could have …

Give Greenhouse Gas Emission Permits to Citizens, Not Emitters

An equitable and effective approach to addressing climate change can be set through giving each citizen an equal number of emission permits. Addressing climate change requires a price to be …
2 November 2006|Topics:

Use Import Regulations to Drive Methyl Bromide Recapture

Existing regulations on the import of methyl bromide can be used to require recapture of the chemical rather than action on this being deferred. Parliament’s Local Government and Environment Select …

New German GMO Liability Law Carries Lessons for NZ

Germany’s approach to setting new GMO liability law provides an important example for New Zealand, states a paper released today by the Sustainability Council. The German Government has sought to …
3 July 2006|Topics: , ,

NZ Seeks Break With UN Understanding on Sterile Seeds

Cabinet papers released under the Official Information Act show New Zealand seeks the option to authorise field trials for GM plants that produce sterile seeds. At present, an international …
22 March 2006|Topics: , ,

New Forms of GMOs Highlight Biosecurity Loophole

Threats posed by new forms of GMOs under development represent a fundamental challenge to New Zealand’s approach to biosecurity labelling requirements. Food plants genetically engineered to produce pharmaceuticals and industrial …
6 March 2006|Topics: , ,

A First GMO Release or Kite Flying?

UPDATE: The Ministry for the Environment’s briefing to the incoming Government contained the following advice to its new minister: “Applications for genetic modification of roses and onions may be received …
29 November 2005|Topics: , ,

Strong Public Support for Zero Tolerance to GM Contamination

79% New Zealanders would support the current policy of zero tolerance to GM contamination of seed imports. Polling conducted for the Sustainability Council by DigiPoll also found 77% support …
17 August 2005|Topics: , ,

75% Support NZ Remaining a GM Free Food Producer

Three quarters of New Zealanders would support the nation’s food production remaining GM Free. A poll conducted this month for the Sustainability Council by DigiPoll resulted in 74.5% supporting New …
16 August 2005|Topics: ,