New Scientist: How should we control the power to genetically eliminate a species?
The power to re-engineer or eliminate wild species using a “gene drive” needs to be brought under international governance, say Simon Terry and Stephanie Howard
Commentary, New Scientist.
Thanks to a form of genetic …
The best way to resist Trump ditching Paris? Divest from fossil fuels
Divestment provides us with a powerful way to cut our ties with this destructive industry and start moving in a new direction, says jamie Heen in The Guardian.
After …
Trump’s reneging on Paris climate deal turns the US into a rogue state
Joseph Stiglitz argues in Project Syndicate that action is needed to safeguard economic progress against a prejudiced White House that rejects science and enlightened values.
Trump’s reneging on Paris climate …
Rob Stock: Fears nano labelling for cosmetics won’t be policed
Stuff, June 19 2015
Labels on consumer cosmetics are about to change with regulations requiring manufacturers to reveal whether they contain microscopic nano particles.
The new labelling regulations …
TPP Backers Have Questions to Answer
This opinion piece by Simon Terry appeared in the New Zealand Herald on February 24 2015
ExportNZ’s Dialogue article in support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks failed …
NZ’s Climate Change Targets, Projections and Liabilities
New Zealand plans to meet existing commitments to reduce emissions largely through creative carbon accounting. It will make a third emissions pledge in 2015 and the Treasury advises the …
High Court Prevents Developers From Bypassing GM Laws
The High Court has quashed a decision by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) that would have allowed developers of genetically modified crops to bypass New Zealand’s GM laws.
The Court …
Budgeting for Use of Carbon is Key to Cutting Emissions
Seriously tackling New Zealand’s emissions requires the use of carbon to be budgeted for in the same way the nation budgets for government spending.
Without new action, New Zealand’s gross …
Open Letter to the Employers and Manufacturers Association
Kim Campbell
Chief Executive
Employers and Manufacturers Association
Dear Kim
This open letter is in response to your media statement of 5 February criticising the Sustainability Council’s analysis of a Peterson …