TPP’s Benefits Less Than a Quarter of Government’s Claim
The TPP’s economic benefits are less than a quarter of those the government has claimed – and the proposed trade deal would impose serious costs.
The government has repeatedly used …
Environment is one of the TPP’s Biggest Casualties
Wikileaks’ latest disclosure of Trans Pacific Partnership documents underscores how weak the environmental measures are, and that the environment is a major casualty under the agreement.
The leaked environment chapter …
33% Gap Between Emissions Target and Performance
There is a 33% gap between the government’s new climate change target and New Zealand’s expected performance, all up. The overshoot is greater than previously expected as projected emissions …
TPP: Support the Call for Govt to Release the Text
A petition calling on the Government to release the negotiating text of the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement has been launched with support from prominent New Zealanders.
You can sign on …
Dow Excluded from Precedent Setting Case on GM Law
The High Court has ruled that US multinational Dow cannot intervene in a precedent setting court case concerning whether a new plant breeding technique is covered under New Zealand’s …
Genetic Engineers Get Approval to Bypass Regulator
The Sustainability Council has begun High Court action to appeal a ruling that allows genetically engineered plants to be grown in New Zealand without any regulatory approval.
A surprise decision …
The TPP: No Partnership with the Environment
The environment will be a major loser under terms put forward for the latest free trade deal
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposed arrangement between New Zealand, the US …
Board Member Resigns to Focus on New Role
Dame Susan Devoy has resigned as a member of the Sustainability Council’s board as a consequence of her appointment as the new Race Relations Commissioner. In her letter of …
Nanocosmetics: Ombudsman Supports Public Right to Know
The Ombudsman has upheld the public’s right to know about the use of nanoparticles in cosmetic products.
The decision is significant because the Ombudsman roundly dismisses arguments frequently used by …