ETS Change Puts Major Pressure on New Carbon Currency
The new carbon currency proposed under the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is likely to come under major pressure as a result of the two-year delay on charges to apply …
Households and SMEs Pay 90% of Emissions-related Charges
The proposed rules for the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) will involve huge transfers of wealth but make very little difference to New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions in the next …
Credibility of Food Safety Regulation takes a Significant Hit
The credibility of New Zealand’s food safety regulation has taken a significant hit today with the approval of GM lysine corn as a human food.
There were not just one …
It’s Official: Agriculture Can Make Major Emissions Reductions
An expert report commissioned by MAF has confirmed what agricultural leaders have been at pains to avoid acknowledging. The agriculture sector can nearly halve its growth in greenhouse gas …
NZ Has Strong Grounds for Rejecting GM Lysine Corn Decision
New Zealand has strong grounds for rejecting the application to make GM lysine corn a legal food. Significant health risks remain untested and the credibility of New Zealand’s food …
Health System Not Ready for Animal to Human Transplant Risks
New Zealand is clearly not ready to manage the risks associated with the use of animal cells in humans.
An application for such a trial is currently before the Minister …
Time out on GM Lysine Corn Decision a Good Step
The Sustainability Council welcomes Food Safety Minister Annette King’s announcement today that she is seeking further advice on the appropriateness of approving GM high lysine corn as a food.
This …
Food Safety Regulator Fails GM Lysine Corn Test
A novel form of genetically modified corn that poses serious health risks, but has been inadequately safety tested, looks set to be approved for human consumption on Monday – …
Agriculture Can Meet its Share of Kyoto Target at a Profit
The agriculture sector can meet its share of the nation’s Kyoto emissions reduction target at a profit. As livestock farming accounts for 49% of New Zealand’s emissions, such cuts would …