An Oil Supply Crisis Could Trigger a Sovereignty Crisis for NZ
If middle east oil flows were seriously disrupted, the multibillion dollar costs and geopolitical impacts would hit New Zealand harder than most other OECD countries. Yet we are less …
The Environment Under TPPA Governance
Close scrutiny of the final Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPPA) text reveals that its impact on the environment is even worse than had been expected from leaked drafts.
A new
The Environment a Significant Casualty Under TPPA
Close scrutiny of the final TPPA text reveals that its impact on the environment is even worse than had been expected from leaked drafts.
A new paper, prepared by …
TPP Backers Have Questions to Answer
This opinion piece by Simon Terry appeared in the New Zealand Herald on February 24 2015
ExportNZ’s Dialogue article in support of the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks failed …
Do Costs from the TPP Outweigh Gains?
Opinion Article, Dominion Post
By Simon Terry, Executive Director, Sustainability Council
The Trans-Pacific Partnership covers a lot of non-trade matters, so why is there a reluctance to discuss the overall balance …
Economic Gains and Costs from the TPP
Review of Modelled Economic Impacts of the Trans Pacific Partnership
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) bundles standard gains from trade with a wide range of non-trade requirements …
Open Letter to the Employers and Manufacturers Association
Kim Campbell
Chief Executive
Employers and Manufacturers Association
Dear Kim
This open letter is in response to your media statement of 5 February criticising the Sustainability Council’s analysis of a Peterson …
TPP’s Benefits Less Than a Quarter of Government’s Claim
The TPP’s economic benefits are less than a quarter of those the government has claimed – and the proposed trade deal would impose serious costs.
The government has repeatedly used …
Environment is one of the TPP’s Biggest Casualties
Wikileaks’ latest disclosure of Trans Pacific Partnership documents underscores how weak the environmental measures are, and that the environment is a major casualty under the agreement.
The leaked environment chapter …