Right to Sue Under Trade Deal is Pernicious and Unnecessary
Some things should not be traded. When it comes to deals about trade, governments should not give foreign investors the right to sue them in offshore tribunals.
Yet the US …
TPP: Support the Call for Govt to Release the Text
A petition calling on the Government to release the negotiating text of the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement has been launched with support from prominent New Zealanders.
You can sign on …
GM Trojan Horses
The US plans to get other countries to bring their GM food laws into line with its own and New Zealand needs to make clear its protections are non-negotiable. …
The TPP: No Partnership with the Environment
The environment will be a major loser under terms put forward for the latest free trade deal
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposed arrangement between New Zealand, the US …
TPP Free Trade Deal Needs to Satisfy Referendum Test
A Mechanism to Exercise a Democratic Check on the TPP Negotiations
The proposed free trade deal with the US would limit New Zealand’s autonomy to regulate its economy in a …
Over 80% Support the Requirement to Label GM Foods
Over 80% of New Zealanders believe the current requirement to label genetically modified foods should be retained, according to a Consumer Link poll. Just 10% believe the regulations should …
Right to Choose GM Free Food on the Line with Free Trade Deal?
Will losing the right to choose GM free food be a price of the next and biggest free trade deal? The US has made clear that a priority for …
Will GM Free be Free Traded Away?
Will losing the right to choose GM Free food be a price of the next and biggest free trade deal?
The US has made clear that …