
MAF Not Adequately Risk Managing GM Contamination at the Border

The latest seed contamination incident makes clear that MAF is not adequately risk managing border protection against GM contaminants. There are low and no cost biosecurity options MAF could have …

Brave New Biosecurity

Threats posed by new forms of GMOs under development represent a fundamental challenge to New Zealand’s approach to biosecurity labelling requirements. A relatively new treaty that regulates the international …

New Forms of GMOs Highlight Biosecurity Loophole

Threats posed by new forms of GMOs under development represent a fundamental challenge to New Zealand’s approach to biosecurity labelling requirements. Food plants genetically engineered to produce pharmaceuticals and industrial …
6 March 2006|Topics: , ,

Strong Public Support for Zero Tolerance to GM Contamination

79% New Zealanders would support the current policy of zero tolerance to GM contamination of seed imports. Polling conducted for the Sustainability Council by DigiPoll also found 77% support …
17 August 2005|Topics: , ,

Leaving GM Contaminated Crops in the Ground Goes Against Market Realities

The recommendation by a Parliamentary select committee that GM contaminated crops be allowed to remain in the ground goes against market realities. Exporters cannot sell contaminated products to buyers …

New Rules Help Keep Food Pure

As many premium markets firm up on their unwillingness to accept even a trace of genetically modified content in food, New Zealand’s ability to meet this demand has quietly …

New Means to Check GM Contamination in Seed Imports

New practices for supplying maize seed to New Zealand demonstrate how the policy of zero tolerance to GM contaminated seed can be maintained at little or no cost to …

Seeding purity

New practices for supplying maize seed to New Zealand demonstrate how the policy of zero tolerance to GM contaminated seed can be maintained at little or no cost to …

Government Yet to Set GM Contamination Limits

Government has yet to specify what levels of GM contamination will be officially tolerated beyond a GM farmer’s boundary said Sustainability Council Executive Director Simon Terry. The Royal Commission on …
17 September 2003|Topics: , ,