A case against genetically modified food
The scale of damage to the economy that could result from a decision to release GMOs was made clear by a BERL study Government released the day before Easter.
The …
Economics Report Fails to Justify GM Release
A study undertaken for Government has failed to show any sure economic gains from releasing GMOs. It shows no concrete benefits that would justify New Zealand giving up now …
Government Rushing GM Decisions Before Economic Advice In
“Government has rushed to clear the way for release of GMOs into the environment before it has even assessed the economic impact on New Zealand” said Sustainability Council Chair, …
The Year of the Dog
By Sam Neill
Happy New Year. And a peaceful one too, God willing.
However, at this, the time of year normally reserved for optimism, if you can detect the telltale tick …
GE fine for medicines but food value doubtful
It is interesting how a call for more time to understand and debate the release of genetically modified organisms brings such strong words from GM advocates.
In a Dialogue page …
New Zealanders and their Land
The wave of invasive new organisms that hit New Zealand’s shores with European settlement changed our natural environment forever.
In this century, the new organisms in the spotlight are not …
Call for Five Year Moratorium on GMO Release
Five eminent New Zealanders called for a five-year moratorium on the release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) at today’s launch of the Sustainability Council of New Zealand.
The Council believes …