Assurances on GM Law Good News for the Economy

Assurances from each of the three leading political parties that law governing the outdoor use of GMOs will at minimum not be weakened are good news for the economy …
21 November 2011|Topics: , ,

New EPA Provides Hope of Improved Environmental Administration

The Minister for the Environment’s decision to establish the new Environmental Protection Agency as a stand-alone agency provides greater opportunity for it to be independent and for it to …
4 June 2010|Topics: ,

Broken Promise and Broken Toxic Chemicals Reassessment Process

The cost of the Government’s broken promise on highly toxic organochlorines is now clearer following ERMA’s initial reassessment of one of these chemicals. It promised more than a decade ago …
14 August 2008|Topics: , ,

MFE Provides “Back Door” Approvals for Toxic Substances

The Ministry for the Environment (MFE) has engineered what is essentially a one-way gate for existing toxic substances – free entry for all and huge barriers to removing any …
14 December 2005|Topics: , ,

A First GMO Release or Kite Flying?

UPDATE: The Ministry for the Environment’s briefing to the incoming Government contained the following advice to its new minister: “Applications for genetic modification of roses and onions may be received …
29 November 2005|Topics: , ,

HSNO (Approvals and Enforcement) Amendment Bill

Submission to the Education and Science Select Committee with respect to HSNO (Approvals and Enforcement) Amendment Bill. Read the document here.

Financial Accountability for Hazardous Substances

Sixteen years after Government first determined to bring together coherent regulations for hazardous substances, effective financial accountability for harm caused by these substances remains limited.  While Government has committed to the …
7 December 2004|Topics: , ,

Anderton’s Stance Shows Importance of GM Food Restraint

The Progressive Coalition’s decision to vote against the NOOM Bill demonstrates the importance of legal restraints on the growing of GM food said Sustainability Council Executive Director Simon Terry. …
14 October 2003|Topics: , ,

Financial Fitness Should be Requirement for GM Release

Developers applying to release GM organisms will face fewer compulsory checks on their financial fitness than a bank would make on someone looking for a mortgage on their home, …
29 September 2003|Topics: , ,